Friday, July 18, 2014

Just some random thoughts

Words, can be used to encourage but at the same time can also put a person down. Words are dangerous... But sometimes though words might hurt like a piercing knife but it could make you a better person, just like a scalpel a surgeon uses in surgery. After the surgery, the person gets better. 

I realized something about myself. Many a times where situations would require of me to say something, I would bite my tongue and hold back. Most of the time I sugar coat them, afraid I would hurt the other person, and of course would worry what would the other person think of me? But then again, I hurt people everyday in my daily conversations without even realizing... Its so contradicting, scared to hurt people yet hurting people everyday.. How frustrating. Sometimes it makes me wonder if things would be different if I voiced out my opinions when a person consults me for an opinion.. It takes courage to give constructive criticism, or maybe it's just me..I'm a softy at heart :/ some people could just whip it. 


I have to admit, social media gets a bit addictive. There is this urge to constantly want to post something for the world to see. I felt that urge before, but i successfully suppressed it. Why I'm suddenly thinking of this? Well coz I caught myself envying people on social media, thinking of all the wonderful post that other people are posting on social media. Its no wonder why some people get depressed by going on social media because they keep comparing the lives of others to their own. I didnt get depressed, but I caught myself comparing their lives with my own. Pretty stupid huh? Yeah I thought so too. This was what I saw today while I stalked someone on Facebook. (yes I stalked this one because I was shocked by her transformation from our high school days and now she is a model.. Why so many people become model suddenly?) I saw some really gorgeous photos, she was/is really pretty and her make up really enhanced her beauty, and I was thinking how I would look like if I had that much make up on, would I look as stunning? And then I saw her other photos, of her leading a glamorous lifestyle with pretty clothes, cute guys, lavish restaurant, clubs etc. I couldn't help but to imagine all the drama that came with that (maybe there isn't any drama but heh stereotyping here :p) and this was where I caught myself. Photos on social media only highlights the good happy part of people's lives, but you don't know what they go though each day. Perhaps they have their own problems, but are those captured in the photos? Nope... And there people are comparing their lives to the lives of others on social media without considering the factor that these people on social media have their own set of problems too; and if I envied people on social media, I'm pretty sure there are others who also compare their lives to those on social media. Well the thing is to stop comparing and take a step back and appreciate the things that you already have. I'm pretty happy with what I have and am grateful for a loving family, wonderful friends from high school and Uni who always got my back :) and soon to be embarking on a meaningful journey of making a difference in the lives of teens. So.. Is the clubbing + lavish lifestyle something I would like? Would that make me any happier? Nah... I'm good living a "boring" life. It's only boring to the world afterall but its sure as hell happening to me!! Heh heh.. Sometime all it takes is to ask yourself a few questions.. Evaluate a bit and then you're fine :) Dont compare your lives with others as they too have their set of problems to face. 

Please don't mind me, I'm too lazy to write in a diary, typing is much faster and the fonts are nicer ;) can't stand my own handwriting sometimes.. This is my therapy session where I release thoughts which are going on in my head. Hopefully one day I will look back and scoff at the things I write or maybe marvel at the maturity I have at a young age :p *wishful thinkings* 


Just read through some of my old postings.. My gosh, I was so childish -.-" didn't know I had a temper. From the way I portrayed it back then, I think I had the bitch face. So Hen Yu, you were wondering what a bitch face looked like? You've probably seen it years ago on my face ;) 

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