Saturday, October 5, 2013


It's been a downhill week this week. Since Monday, nothing seems to be happening right. One wave after another, I thank God I had the strength to pull through. I thank God I had friends who were there for me and the miraculous things he has done for me despite of my circumstances.

Last Thursday, I attended a funeral of a friend's brother. Passed away at a tender age of 20, he left so suddenly after being hit by a lorry, without any heart preparation for the situation to happen. Having cancer suddenly feels like a better option. I didn't know the brother personally, nor have I spoken to him before, but through lives that he has touched while he was alive, made me know that he was a great man, a man of faith, a man of great love. Someone even in his last moments on earth, in a coffin, still manages to touch lives of those who attended the funeral through the people he once loved and cared for. His life testimony inspired me, encouraged me and made me re-evaluate my life, thinking about it now still saddens me. Life is so fragile, you don't know what is gonna happen tomorrow. His departing taught me to value the people in your life, for you do not know when your time to meet the maker comes. His life shared through the eulogy made by his 2 sisters and his girlfriend, encouraged me and inspired me to be a person like him. Someone who has the passion for people, who loved unconditionally, passion for Christ, and beneath it all humble and cheerful/ Almost everyone who wrote an eulogy for him has a tinge of cheekiness in their speech reflecting his jovial and playful character when he was alive. Family members were shocked to see so many unfamiliar faces in the crowd that they had to change the venue of the wake due to overwhelming number of visitors, and that is how many lives that he has touched at just 20 years old. Perhaps maybe it's my first time attending a funeral thats why it seem so sad, everything said of the deceased was good and flowery because in which funeral would an eulogy be read as such : "He was a thief, a liar and always cheated when he had the chance, a good for nothing lad who deserves to die!" I couldn't help but think, one day if I died, who will do my eulogy? Will anyone attend my funeral? What good things have I done on earth which deserves to be mentioned? and then I realized I haven't done much...haven't left footprints on this earth, everyday was spent recklessly. It's a great wake up call to change my lifestyle, my attitude, my character, to re-evaluate my life once more.

Something which was said during the funeral can be applied so effectively in the tragedy that happen just a day before the funeral."....the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away..." That was the answer of my question to God on why this happened to me. It was partially my own silly mistake as well, but I do question, why me? Isn't your hand of protection upon me? Aren't You with me Lord? but that one sentence gave me rest, and if it is thy will then so be it. I forgive the person who did it, and am grateful for the subtle things that arise from it.

Definitely an eventful week that has taught me many life lessons during the journey. I could suddenly understand and comprehend certain things in life, things which were often taken for granted or just didn't know the value of. Lesson learnt and life goes on...........

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