Monday, October 12, 2009


if everything we do requires a degree this is what we'll get, of coz i would start with myself since i know myself rather well

Masters in housekeeping/chores-me
Degree in tuition taking-me
Honors in the art of tackling boys-Tania
Masters in gaming- Huey Teck
Degree in singing owns praise - Hen Yu
Degree in the sayings "shit you!"- Xin Mei
Masters in frankness- Hou Yi and of course Eugene
PhD in gaming addiction-Abby
Masters in studying w/o tuition-Magdalene and Melvin
Degree in Ubersexuality and cleanliness- Wan kong
Degree in taming wild boys- Yee Ying
Masters in childishness/rowdiness -Christopher Chua
Masters in cheating- names will be disclosed (they never seem to get caught...hmm..)

heh this is just a joke, dont take it too seriously =)