Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Haih...if only the people of the earth are all naive, the world would be a better place to live in. Perhaps maybe not naive but have high moral values and integrity which they actually practice in their daily lives, only then the world would be a better place to live in.

Think about it, we (the students) are like the white pieces on the Othello board going into society and experiencing the REAL world after we graduate. Our society here is like the black piece of the Othello board. This is why i mentioned the statement above. We, being fresh out of college, having brought with us our moral value from high school/college and going out into the "world" thinking that the world is a great place, we should help people in need, and usually when we ourselves help others, we would think others would do the same to us. Well...apparently that's naive. Many times, a white piece goes into the world, and subsequently turned into a black piece. Let's give 2 examples:
a colleague (A) asked to borrow money from another colleague (B) saying that he needs the money badly as he is broke, so B borrowed A quite an amount of money, thinking that helping friends in need is a virtue right? And after a few weeks, A disappeared, and the money could not be recovered.
I would be the perfect subject for the 2nd example. Last time my car "broke down" on me while on my way home, so while i waited for my brother to come, a man approached me and offered help. It was naive of me to think that this "good" samaritan was actually there to help me. I didn't ask for help, yet he came and do nothing and demanded for money =.= what happened to sincerely helping someone in need?
There, with this two examples, i can finally say that after these things happen to the white pieces, they too tend to turn into black pieces so as to defend themselves form these greedy people. So when another colleague is really in dire need of money, these same people would not borrow a single to this other colleague. And when the whole world becomes black pieces, everybody would be selfish, greedy, cautious, and tend to be mean. Look at what has become of this world...A guy brought a lost boy back to his home, yet this guy who was being nice was charged as being a pedophile and put into jail. It's really sad...

On the brighter side, I see the younger generation changing, twice i was being sincerely helped by a total stranger when my friend's car tyre punctured, so i really hope that these people will not be corrupted by society and continue to touch lives =) and i do hope that i will have the tolerance to continue to sincerely help others in need even if people will think i'm stupid or gullible. I really want to make a difference, Gandhi said " be the change you want to see in the world" and hopefully i can do it one human at a time.

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