Sunday, October 12, 2014

Off the bucket list!

Running a marathon is off the bucket list! Though it's only 10km (maybe i'll join a full marathon one day) but it's still an achievement to me. I've never ran 10km before, but after this experience, 10k isn't so hard after all. I'm usually the person who chooses to sleep in instead of going for morning walks with my being able to achieve this is a fantastic feeling. My main goal of this race was to win a finisher's medal...I was in only for the medal. Nothing else. I'm glad I managed to finish the race within the stipulated time or else all my training would be sort of wasted. So my next goal would be to finish better than my current timing if I were to join another marathon.

It's amazing what the body can do, and sometimes it all just boils down to mental fitness. If you think you can finish, you's whether the brain is willing or not. I think the environment helps too, seeing other runners run, it's like peer pressure making you wanna run too..I've never ran so much in my life...even when I was training, the most was just running 1.5km was epic.. No wonder people say if you train, train with other people. I think it helps give you motivation. So yea another item off my bucket list all thanks to Houyi who invited me to join in this for FREE!! coz her company was the sponsor for the event.

On another note, I can't help thinking that my puppy came out from a comic book. How to be angry at this rascal la? He drives me up the wall, yet when you scold him, he gives you the most sorrowful eyes...

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