Monday, October 6, 2014

I learnt something today.. Something that was repeated so many times, came across numerous times, read about countless of times, but nothing beats experiencing it for my own.

We will never really know what a person has gone through and sometimes little actions that seemed so insignificant to you speaks volumes to the other person who receives it, and I'm glad she acknowledged it and told me. I never knew just acknowledging what she said spoke volumes to her and impacted her, which leads to opening up of other things in our lives. I don't find it easy to share my personal problems, but one thing leads to another and we confided in each other, all because she said "thank you" for something I deemed insignificant. The wonders of how God works... 

That being said.. People may look fine on the outside, but you don't know what goes on deep down in their hearts. We are all great actors and actresses on a stage, and it feels good to be able to remove that mask and just be yourself. 

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