Saturday, August 24, 2013

Random thought

Shopping with my mom today triggered a memory of mine. As a very young girl, my mom has trained me to guard eggs with the utmost care. I remember how I used to hover over the tray of eggs, making sure that no threat can harm those precious eggs. And even if I had lots of grocery bags and other people offer to help me carry, I would only pass them the other bags and keep the bag with the tray of eggs for myself to carry. It was as if I was destined to carry the eggs.. Guarding it like it was my young. Lol I had pretty good training I must say ;)
I remember when I was younger too when my mum and I go into departmental stores and we went to the kitchen ware section, all those glass and plates and my mum would bark at me, "Don't simply touch things, keep ur hands by your side!" and I would just guai guai listen like a soldier. I wonder what if i challenge the order, and place a finger on the glassware, what would my mama do..

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