Tuesday, August 13, 2013


It intrigues me, the arguments that goes on in my head when I procrastinate. Really, the only tough part is the beginning, once you have started, it seems like, it wasn't as hard as I thought it was. One thing that really hinders me from doing something is that i tell myself that it is hard, I don't know how to do it, i want it to be perfect and the list of excuses goes on and on, and I find myself spending time browsing through the internet on unrelated stuff and i end up not accomplishing anything....at all...and minutes turns to half an hours to hours to days and subsequently to weeks. So basically the argument that goes on in my head was just like the cartoons; an angel vs a demon. I wonder if its the right brain telling the left or does arguments takes place on the same side of the brain...i dunno, but whatever it is, it was a conversation, one giving excuses and the other logical thinking and reasoning. What exactly went on in my head today was this "It's so hard to do, I don't know how to go on about it, what am I going to crap about?" and then this louder voice said " so you think if you leave it alone it will accomplish on it's own? at the end of the day, you still have to do it, leaving it there day after day would not accomplish anything at all, and the later you do it, the less time you will have" and after that argument, I actually started work, and finished it. Wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. Kudos brain...Kudos

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