Friday, September 3, 2010

P vs Z

I must say that this game is a whole lotta fun! Thanks to Marcus for borrowing me his external Hard drive just to install this game into my PC =) Thanks Marcus!!

This is like the cutest game ever lol =)I think the creator of this game is very creative and has put a lot of thoughts into making this game. Why cute you say? Let me tell you why....

This is Wall-Nut, super cute fella hahaha he stops the zombies for a moment. He is smiling at first, but when he is about to die, he shows this sad isn't he just cute? And the description on his profile is super cute too, its like somebody interviewed him or something hahahahaha

Hohoho this one i like oso, this old zombie reads the newspaper, he walks relatively slow til you break his newspaper, then he get cranky and walks faster woot? O.o so cute right? and then his profile oso very cute. His profile states that he is *this* close to finishing his sudoku puzzle but the paper broke, so he got cranky hahahahaha

This is the dancing zombie, he looks like Michael Jackson, dances like him too lol great to put a cherry bomb and blast him up for good =D

Oh i forgot what this one is called, but I LOVE it all the same ^^ ultra cute weih~ he squashes zombies like a pro hahaha but before he squashes them, he gives them raised eyebrows before smashing them. Too bad it kills itself while doing that...what a hero no? hahahaha

there are many other characters too, unfortunately i've only played til level there are definitely going to be more cute creatures coming up =P Oh and the zombies do too leave messages to me, and their spelling is soooo funny and they are full of manners too hahahhahahaha

so long for now =) toodles..

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