Monday, June 23, 2014

Random post

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

I am a firm believer of this verse in the Bible, and if somebody were to ask me what my mantra would be, well.. this would be one of it :) 

I started serving actively in church when I was 17, the year of SPM and ever since then, I see the grace of God upon my life and well... upon my academic achievements until this very day. And one thing bizarre about it is, I don't actually deserve those results and my results has to be so coincidental that it ngam ngam passes borderline to be part of the cream of the crop. I'm definitely not the creme de la creme but the bottom of the cream, that if the school were to suddenly arrange for a re-mark, my results would be so at stake, that the 0.01 mark makes all that difference. That has been my story in my Diploma days and also in my Bachelor's Degree days. I know I don't deserve it, and I can tell from the amount of effort that I put in but yet by the grace of God, I manage to pull through, to enjoy the extra perks the creams enjoy. 

Some people might think, what's the big deal? In the end it's still an A, why are you complaining whether its a borderline A or not? An A is an A.. But well, pride sometimes get in the way, to think of one self as highly esteemed that even if there was a re-mark, there is so much leeway that at the end of the day, the A is still safely secured in the hands of the beholder. And maybe that is why my case is unique.. Perhaps it was God's way of keeping me humble, because I know I don't deserve it, but the Lord gave it to me. So I praise and thank god that I managed to get yet another borderline pass in my degree :) and though results aren't everything in the working world and probably no one would ever ask apart from your first job interview, I have to agree that it does gives a person a little advantage and perks and I'm grateful for that :) thank you Lord. 

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