Friday, June 15, 2012


One day in class, my lecturer was telling us about this true life story. She was telling us about the days when she was a Housekeeping manager, there was this worker who worked in the laundry department. This worker was short of money, so he decided to do a back-to-back shift. While he was doing his shift, he got so sleepy he slept on the flat-work-ironer ( a big ass iron to iron bed sheets la) and his hand was caught in the iron, and his hand was flat, hot and ironed just like the bed sheets. The doctors couldn't save his arm therefore his hand had to be amputated. All my friends were listening in disgust and horror, and there I was speaking in a low whisper to the friend next to me and said:" omg!! He is now hands-free!!!!" Hahahahahahaa oh and now he can raise his children single-handedly Hahahahahaha

Omg... I'm so going to hell....

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