Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I was an interesting day indeed....I don't want to brag but somehow i feel like if i do not post this up, it doesn't give the person enough credits; besides I'm really grateful and appreciate all the efforts my friends did for me today ^^ Since nobody really reads this blog so i suppose it's ok to dedicate this post to them =) I will not disclose who, but i know you read this, and you know who you are ;)

My message to person #1

Thank you so much for your letter ^^ librarian + Lady Gaga seems pretty weird hahahaha and i really didn't know Lady Gaga is kind, is she?

I thought the poem is super unique hahaha pokemon man! Hmm.... It's good to know i'm better than a Lvl 80 Rapidash hahahaha and if my smile is like a hyperbeam, everybody would be dead by now, so make me moody or you'll die!

And yeah, thanks for reminding me to sell the piggies oh and the little chocolate too....i think that could fetch me RM15 hahahahha joking ;) it was a pleasant surprise really ^^

I wanted to thank you on facebook, but then i saw someone commented on your wall and so i just thought nvm, you'll read this won't you? =)

Thank You so much, it was totally unexpected and you should have seen the delivery guy, so handsome man ;) It got me wondering though, y of all days today? shouldn't it be for someone special? as in romantically special? I suppose friendship day is good too =) thanks for making it a memorable one ^^

Person #2
I must be pretty weird to you huh? i suppose most of my friends say that about me too lol thank you for putting in so much efforts weih, waking up so early some more... and the efforts and time you used for the card, *touched* it's good to know i'm "fun size" it really reminds me of those mini packets of smarties or something hahahaha i know it's just a nicer way of saying "shortie" but hey, short is good ;) can wear high heels hahahahaha

Haih, you are too nice la, you would like go all out for your friends and though you don't see it, or even think you are mean for doing it (woot?) I can see that you really care for your friends, and are genuinely kind too.

And the 3 mini box of presents, i bet you broke the budget, can't fool me ;) No doubt you kept to the budget but without the other person's contribution there wouldn't be boxes, right? Oh and yea, about the flower, you said purple is friendship so i tried to google it, apparently friendship is yellow, purple has a totally different meaning but your intentions were clear so yea ^^

all in all, thank you for putting so much efforts into this, truthfully i'm really grateful on the inside but on the outside i don't express it well so sorry if i wasn't giving out the response that you were expecting. I suppose i express it better in words so yea =D

I don't know what i did to deserve friends like you.....i'm starting to think i'm overrated =/

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