Friday, February 10, 2012

Random thoughts

I don't think anyone would understand this feeling unless they have worked before, but then again maybe it's just me.

After I started working I started to realize that money is hard to get, not that I didn't realize it last time, I do know it's hard to earn but I don't really experience it the REAL way coz money has always been handed to me on silver platter. Going into Daiso and buying a RM 5 object wasn't that hurtful, but now, after working, I can just stop and stare at the sign board and think to myself, to buy an item in Daiso, I have to work for 1hour. Is that worth it?
I also used to think that a dress that cost RM 30 is cheap (I mean comparing to the dresses u see in 1u which cost nothing below RM 50) so usually I wouldn't think twice and just purchase it, but now.... It has changed, RM 30 = working for 6 hours.. 6 freaking hours -.- gosh.... Ouch man

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