Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 1

First day of work wasn't exactly exciting, it was scary actually. First day already they throw me at Daily Treats, equipped with nothing at all and decided to let me fend for myself. I suppose its the same in every hotel, but i would really appreciate it if they would give me a basic guild line on what to do. Like maybe just teach me how to make juices, and i will gladly stay there you know? but no... Anyway i made a lot of mistakes, on the pancake and waffle thing, guest were not very happy *yikes* kept fumbling up orders coz i kept asking the seniors how to do this and that =( and finally it was closing time, i was like *yippee!!* and we kept everything back in the store. But it doesn't end there, Kitchen department is a series of challenges. BOH, here they call it heart of the house (HOH) walao...i was so lost, seniors were so busy they had no time to instruct us around, but not only that, they didn't instruct us to do anything yet they get angry when we stand there and do nothing. not that we didn't ask for work, we did, we just got scolded >.< come on, what happen to buddy system? but anyway, things got better after lunch, kitchen is fun, if you know what to do. I dun mind the chef scolding all the time, coz i know he doesn't mean it. All i dun like is being lost, not knowing anything yet they expect you to know everything. I dun mind busy, i just hate idling there with nothing to do. If what seniors meant by "hell" is busy, i really dun mind. As long as i know what to do and i'm not lost with ppl constantly pushing me around. But one thing, i think my performance was great, for someone who came in first day with nothing, gained alot by the and of the day. Made loads of different types of sandwiches, but omg...the madness and the lost feeling is going to come back soon since the menu is 2 days cycle....oh boy~

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