Sunday, September 28, 2014

Random thought

I really admire people who are able to put themselves in the shoes of other people. The ability to empathize at any given situation or circumstances straight away, as if it's their way of life is indeed a great feat, because I know my first reaction is to judge and then only to think.. By the time I rationalize and think, it's already too late. Words has been said, actions has been done. It's something I gotta work on.. 

So a few weeks ago I came across this blogger named Timothy Tiah (founder of Nuffnag) where he blogged about his wife's car was banged by a taxi driver (taxi driver's fault for driving too close) so he was mentioning that he rushed to the scene to rescue his wife and upon seeing the taxi uncle his heart soften. He knew that this uncle has a family to feed at home, earning a living through driving a taxi. Not that he knew this uncle personally but he was able to empathize, so instead of asking the uncle to pay for the damages (which was rightfully his fault) he paid the uncle for his taxi's damages even though the uncle was rude and asking for such a high compensation when the uncle was in the wrong. He managed to reduce the amount to RM 200 in the end. Tim could very well have just lodge a report and save the hassle of even paying or arguing with this uncle, but he chose to help the uncle. 

If I was in that situation, I don't think I would have the ability empathize on the spot. I would probably have argued my way through gritted teeth because it is after all my right of way. I wouldn't have had the same thought process he went through....Reading his story really inspires me :) Put yourself in that exact situation, how would you have reacted? I suppose there are no right or wrong answers, coz we make our decisions based on our background and past experiences, maybe some of us has been cheated before, maybe some of us are tired of being the "good guy" coz "good guys" are "stupid guys"... Shit happens but I think it doesn't hurt to do some random act of kindness, even if you were cheated. Coz ultimately God sees the heart and the intentions that you harbor, and well if you're cheated just be wiser next time, and the person who cheated you, probably needed the money more than you do.. 

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