Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Higher the hopes, greater the crash

It's like a positive relationship between hopes and crash. The higher the hopes, the greater the crash. I suppose things like this happens to keep people humble so that the "economy" would be self-sustaining bringing it back to equilibrium point. Nah~ just crapping, won't really bring it back to equilibrium point but yea, it does make a person humble. Well if you are reading this, I fail to agree with your point that great teams who starts strong always crashes at the end. Reason simply being perhaps you have been putting too much focus on it. Take the Bill Gates and Steve Job example, both didn't finish college but made it big in the industry; does that mean that everybody who doesn't finish college would make it big in the industry? Well as much as we wish it was reality, it's not. Not every college drop-out is successful in the end, it's just that people highlight these two people and put focus on them. That being said, I don't think all groups who started out strong would end with a crash, it's just that you so happen to highlight those and focus on them. How about those groups who started strong and end strong? I'm sure there are tons of those. Just that maybe no one wants to put focus on them coz it's expected of them, but if a strong team fails, no one would let them forget it. I suppose teams who started out strong perhaps have a HIGHER chance of crashing coz of their ego and they tend to think highly of themselves which result in them being complacent which lead to the crash, but i think sometimes things have to happen to give us a tight slap across the face, a wake up call and humble ourselves and stand up again. Failure is the beginning of success right? F.A.I.L. = first attempt in learning! so it's okay =) just pick up yourself and learn the lesson, don't commit it in the future.  

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