- I love the smell in the KLIA express trains. It reminds me of the trains I sat overseas
- I love walking though KLIA 2, coz it brings back nostalgic memories of when I first went on a semi-solo trip to Australia. I hold that trip very dear to my heart somehow. A very special place in my heart.
- I enjoy visiting prisons, especially those which has been turned into museums. I like staring at the chambers, imagining what life was like for the inmates.
- I would love to visit an asylum museum one day, or maybe an abandoned one (during the day of course, don't want any creepy stuff happening)
- I like ancient ruins. Something about the worn out building walls that makes it looks so enchanting
- I enjoy museums, especially those which have historical past (like when murders or something happened in that particular place b4) call me a sadist if u wish..
- visiting hospitals is also something I find amusing, I could sit there quietly imagining all the self-made drama in my head. I probably don't like being the one on the bed but I just like to let my imagination run wild.